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Solid Waste, Recycling Pose Challenges to Giles Residents

People always will need places in which to put solid waste but not where it affects them, according to Julie Phillips, director of Giles County Solid Waste and Recycling.

Phillips talked about the work of the center to Pulaski Exchange Club members recently.

“People don’t care where it goes as long as it doesn’t go in their back yard,” she said.

To help keep items out of landfills, Phillips and other workers emphasize recycling as much as possible.

One recycling center is in the Pulaski Giles County Industrial Park just off Industrial Loop Road.

Convenience centers, which accept recyclables and solid waste refuse (garbage) are on Highway 31 South, across from the other industrial park, Bodenham, Minor Hill and on Highway 31 North, near Richland School. Another collection container is in the Courthouse Annex parking.

Phillips, a few full time and several part time workers operate the centers.

“We have got good people working for us,” he said,

Centers will continue not to accept glass, a common question asked of workers,

“(Glass) is not cost effective to get to a facility for reclamation. Freight charges and end market uses are expensive.” she said.

Giles County operates what is called a single stream system of waste collection at its centers,

A misconception is that everything marked recyclable can be, she said,

“Not everything with a recycle symbol is allowed in our single stream,” Phillips said.

“Just because an item/product has a recycle symbol does not mean that we accept it in our single stream recycling containers.”

Those bringing plastic bags for disposal also need to take care, she said.

“Plastic bags are not accepted because they get tangled in balers,” Phillips said,

“Please empty all approved items into containers without bags.”

Also not accepted are items such as styrofoam or products with food residue that cause contamination such as peanut butter, mayonnaise jars and tin cans with unrinsed food, she said.

Other unacceptable items for recycling are: heavy plastics, flower pots, toys, and other items with recycling symbols that are not allowed in the single stream system used by Giles County, Phillips said.

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